Saint Nick too

Yes, Saint Nick is alive and kicking all throughout Germany. All of the children know who Saint Nick is and what he does, but there is one condition. Clean shoes. All children must put their shoes out for the visitor to fill them with his delights, but woe to the ones who do not clean them prior to putting them out. Saint Nick will look upon them in disdain and may even pass by a pair of dirty shoes.

I write this on the eve of Christmas. A time of expectant children waiting for Santa Claus to come and fill their stockings or entire ground floor of bedroom, (depending on your outlook), and children must have a good heart or be on good behaviour to receive a gift from Santa.

The two stories are interlinked through the eons of history and the interpretations and distortions of culture and media, yet there is more.

We celebrate the birth of Christ and we know that he was willing to give us a gift. The gift of eternal life. We don't need to be good or clean our shoes, yet we need to repent, and ask Jesus for forgiveness for all the wrong we have done. Jesus will fill your heart and make as new and you shall have joy in knowing that God will welcome you as a child into his arms.

Merry Christmas.

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